Cottage Paint Essential Prep Products

Cottage Paint Products
Cottage Paint is a local Ontario company that manufactures a wide variety of products to refinish furniture.
From their original clay based Cottage Paint to their newer Serenity Mineral based paint line Cottage Paint has the products to help you get your piece done.
Cottage Paint also has a variety of topcoats, waxes, pastes as well as transfer gel which allows you to personalize your project.
We at Colour Oasis are long standing Cottage Paint dealers and many of our staff members have completed numerous projects ourselves. If you need some help or guidance on to create a particular effect, feel free to ask, we would be pleased to help.
This section contains the most important products for the least desired part of your furniture painting project. They will help clean and prepare your furniture correctly to avoid or correct possible problems on the surface you want to paint.
Cottage Paint Surface Preparation
How to clean and prepare your project

Furniture Clean & Prep
Furniture Clean & Prep
This cleaner is highly recommended to properly prepare the furniture surface prior to painting with Cottage Paint. It will easily determine and remove wax and oil from surface. This is not to be used as a general cleaner only for preparing furniture surfaces for painting or refinishing. For more information on preparing surfaces for painting, visit Project Checklist: Preparation.
Simply spray or apply with a brush, leave for 1 minute and then wipe clean with a soft damp cloth.
Repeat until the cloth wipes clean then rinse with water and allow to dry thoroughly.

Cottage Paint Clear Furniture Primer
Clear Furniture Primer
Cottage Paint has the solution!
Clear Furniture Primer.
They have developed a clear primer that can help in a number of situations. Clear Furniture Primer will seal bare wood and allow you to distress back to the original wood color.
Simply apply one – two coats of primer. Then let it sit overnight before painting.
It will act as a basic blocker helping to seal most mild wood tannins and stains prior to or after painting.
It remains flexible to prevent paint cracking on a (Clean & Prep) cleaned surfaces that was never varnished or lacquered and has old trapped wax in the wood grain.
It will also bridge paint cracks that can occur over a contaminated surface to ensure the second coat does not crack as well.
Available in 8 oz and 1 quart sizes.